In 1957 Mr. Chisholm wanted to sell his 40 acres of property to a group that would use it to benefit children. A group of 16 WELS churches banded together to form the Lutheran Campsite Association Incorporated and took out a loan and purchased the property. The dining hall and cabin #4 were the first buildings they erected. Soon to follow, cabins 1-3 were built.
The current office and managers' house was damaged by a fire in the early 70's, but was rebuilt adding 10' to the west end and eventually a second story. Also built in the late 70's was the bath house in the campground. In the late 80's or early 90's the old garage was removed and the current garage was erected. The camp has three wells and one large drain field.
The Killarney Lutheran Camp seal most visibly reflects the landscape of the Irish Hills in which Killarney is set. More importantly, the cross is set high on the hill. It is the focal point in all we do here at camp.
In 2012, the camp seal was updated to accurately portray our colorful landscape.